The defendant was arrested after the police searched Defendant’s home and found drugs in the living room. At trial, we showed that the defendant was not the only one that lived there and the State had failed to prove it was Defendant’s drugs, and not one of the other occupants’. The Jury found the defendant Not Guilty.
All posts by Admin
7/17/03 – A Lowndes county case involving Simple Battery was dismissed!
7/17/03 – A Lowndes county case involving Family Violence Battery was dismissed during trial after we overwhelmingly proved the defendant was not guilty. During the pendency of the trial, it became clear to the judge that the defendant was not guilty. The judge called the attorneys to the bench and made a recommendation that the prosecutor dismiss the case. The prosecutor acquiesced.
2003 – A Randolph county case incolving three felony drug charges was dismissed due to lack of evidence!
2003 – A Wilcox county case incolving Kidnapping was dismissed due to lack of evidence!
2003 – A Dooly county defendant charged with six felony drug counts was Acquitted of all charges after a one day trial!
A Lowndes county case involving Possession of Marijuana was dismissed after we proved it belonged to another person!
A Lowndes county case involving Possession of Marijuana was dismissed after we proved it belonged to another person!
Lowndes county case involving Burglary was dismissed after we filed a Motion to Dismiss!
The Defendant was arrested and charged with Burglary. At the beginning of the case, we filed a Demand for Speedy Trial. The State failed to give the defendant a speedy trial, so we filed a Motion to Dismiss and the case was dismissed.
A Brooks county case involving Rape was dismissed after the Grand Jury returned a No Bill
A Brooks county case involving Rape was dismissed after the Grand Jury returned a No Bill!
Prior to 2003
8/19/02 – A Lowndes county case involving Forgery was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
8/19/02 – A Lowndes county case involving Following too Close was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
8/19/02 – A Lowndes county case involving Misdemeanor Battery was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
6/20/02 – A Thomas county case involving Aiding Escape was dismissed after we showed the state there was insufficient evidence.
5/31/02 – A Brooks county case involving Drugs was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
5/31/02 – A Lowndes county case involving Drugs was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
5/7/02 – A Colquitt county case involving Drugs was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
5/7/02 – A Colquitt county case involving Drugs was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence.
5/6/02 – A Lowndes county defendant charged with Drug Violations was acquitted after a one day trial!
5/2002 – A Colquitt county defendant charged with Child Molestation was acquitted after a two day trial! The victim claimed to be molested after the defendant showed pornographic pictures on a website. We flew in the owner of the website, who stated that it never contained pornographic pictures. We then challenged the state, in front of the jury, to power up the computer and prove it was ever used to go to that site. The state did not. We also showed how the Child Forensic Interviewer had not only broken protocols but had taught the victim what to say.
4/22/02 – A Brooks county case involving Forgery was dismissed after we convinced the state there was insufficient evidence. We presented evidence to the DA that she was incarcerated in jail at the time of the alleged offense and could not have possibly committed the crime.
8/24/01 – A Echols county case involving Burglary was dismissed.
8/23/01 – A Colquitt county case involving Aggravated Assault was dismissed.
8/14/01 – A Colquitt county case involving VGCSA was dismissed.
8/01 – A Echols county case involving VGCSA was dismissed after we moved for a hearing regarding Discovery violations by the prosecution. Rather than provide the demanded discovery, or because the prosecution was unable to obtain the necessary information, the case was dismissed.
12/15/00 – A Thomas county defendant charged with Felony Murder was acquitted after a five day trial. The defendant was accused of having shaken the two year old daughter of his live-in girlfriend to the point that she died from brain injuries. At trial, it was discovered that the investigating officer had hidden the names of witnesses unfavorable to the prosecution. We immediately sent out our own investigator armed with a subpoena and located one of the witnesses, who was in another county, and brought her to court. The testimony of that witness, combined with expert testimony from our forensic examiner and documentary evidence from the child’s pediatrician, convinced the jury that the truth was that the mother killed the child and attempted to frame the defendant. The jury found the defendant Not Guilty.
9/25/00 – A Lowndes county case involving Armed Robbery was dismissed.
9/7/00 – A Brooks county case involving Aggravated Child Molestation was dismissed after we showed the prosecution the gross errors documented in the forensic video.
12/14/99 – A Lowndes county case involving Theft by Shoplifting was dismissed after we picked the jury. After jury selection, facing the prospect of our cross-examination, one of the witnesses for the prosecution admitted that he was the one that stole the merchandise and that the defendant was innocent. The state subsequently dismissed the case.
10/6/99 – A Lowndes county case involving Theft by Shoplifting was dismissed.
9/13/99 – A Lowndes county case involving drugs was dismissed.
8/2/99 – A Lowndes county case involving Forgery was dismissed after we proved the defendant had an alibi.
5/20/96 – A Lowndes county case incolving Improper Lane Change was dismissed!
1/3/96 – A Lowndes county case involving Battery was dismissed!
A Colquitt county case involving Possession of Cocaine was dismissed
A Colquitt county case involving Possession of Cocaine was dismissed after we showed the state they had insufficient evidence to win a trial
A Lowndes county case involving Attempted Possession of Marijuana was dismissed
A Lowndes county case involving Attempted Possession of Marijuana was dismissed after we showed the state the co-Âdefendant committed the crime
A Lowndes county case involving Possession of Cocaine was dismissed
A Lowndes county case involving Possession of Cocaine was dismissed after we showed the state they had insufficient evidence to win a trial
Lowndes county case involving Improper Lane Change was dismissed
A Lowndes county case involving Improper Lane Change was dismissed after we showed the state that there was no violation of the law. The Defendant and another young man got lost while driving in an unfamiliar town. They ended up in what the police refer to as a known drug area. When the police saw two young white men driving in that area of town at night, they began to follow the car looking for a reason to stop it. When the Defendant arrived at an intersection where the lane he was in became a left turn only but he proceeded straight, the police stopped him. The police then spent the next 45 minutes searching the car for drugs. When they found none, the cited him for Improper Lane Change.
We demonstrated to the Court that there was no clear indication at the intersection that the lane was a left turn only. The only sign so designating it was an unlit overhead sign some 300 feet before the intersection. Additionally, the lane was directly opposite the lane on the other side of the intersection so a reasonable person would believe he was in the correct lane to go straight. Finally, Georgia law does not require you to signal to change lanes if not necessary for the safety of other vehicles. The only other vehicle around was the officer following the Defendant. So there was no improper lane change in any event. Oh and by the way, the police were just using this as a pretext to stop the car to search for drugs.
The Court agreed and so the State dismissed the case.